
Juried Shows, Awards & Honors
Workshops, Resident Artist, Teaching Experiece
Related Work Experience
Catalogs, Publication & Collections
Solo Exhibitions
“Recent Work”
Huntington Museum of Art, Huntington, WV
“Stolen Moments: Recent Work”
Artisan Gallery, Northampton, MA
“Functional Art”
Celadon Gallery, Sag Harbor, NY
“Under Cover”
Clay Art Center, Port Chester, NY
“Made in Clay”
Greenwich House Pottery, New York, NY
“Transformations 6 x 6”
Clay Art Center, Port Chester, NY
“The Art of Dining”
Worcester Center for Crafts, Worcester, MA
“33rd Annual Invitational Pottery Show and Sale”
Old Church Cultural Center, Demarest, NJ
”Mastery in Clay 2007”
The Clay Studio, Philadelphia, PA
“From the Earth”
University of Kentucky Museum of Art, Lexington, KY
“Ladies in White”
Goodall Gallery, Louisville, KY
NH Institute of Art’s Ceramic Biennial
Manchester, NH
“Style and Function”
Blue Spiral Gallery, Asheville, NC
“Fire Up”
Studio Place Arts Gallery, Barre, VT
Red Star Studios Ceramics Center, Kansas
City, MO
La Mesa (The Table)
Hilton Portland, Portland Oregon
Worcester Center for the Crafts 4th Annual Potters Invitational
Worcester, MA
Westchester Art Workshop Ceramic Invitational
Westchester, NY
”Mastery in Clay 2005”
The Clay Studio, Philadelphia, PA
“The Simple Cup”
The Seward Park Clay Studio and KOBO, Seattle, WA
”Summer Invitational”
Lacoste Gallery, Concord, MA
”17 Women: 17 Perspectives”
Red Star Studio, Kansas City, MO
“31th Annual Invitational Pottery Show and Sale”
Old Church Cultural Center,
Demarest, NJ
American Pottery Festival
Northern Clay Center, Minneapolis, MN
Santa Fe Clay, Santa Fe, NM
NCECA 2005 Clay National
University of Maryland, Baltimore, MD
“Ceramic Currents, UMass Dartmouth Faculty & Alumni Show”
Anne Arundel Community College Arnold, MD
NCECA Exhibition
Taipei County YingKo Ceramics Museum, Taipei, Taiwan
Pottery Invitational
Worcester Center for Crafts, Worcester, MA
“Platters and Plates: A Blue Plate Special”
Chester Springs Studios, Chester County, PA
“Made in Clay”
Greenwich House Pottery, New York, NY
“Functional Clay”
Paris Gibson Square Museum of Art, Great Falls, MT
Utilitarian Clay IV Presenters Exhibition
Arrowmont School of Arts & Crafts, Gatlinburg, TN
University of Miami, Miami, FL
“Art to Use: Functional Clay”
Thirteen Moons Gallery, Santa Fe, NM
“30th Annual Invitational Pottery Show and Sale”
Old Church Cultural Center, Demarest, NJ
“Functional Ceramics”
The Wayne Center for the Arts, Wooster, OH
“Pleasures of the Table”
Ransburg Gallery, Indianapolis, IN
“The Big Show”
4 Star Gallery, Indianapolis, IN
Worcester Center for the Crafts Potters Invitational
Worcester, MA
“Service: An Unconventional Approach”
Chester Springs Clay Studio, PA
“Craft Transformed”
University Art Gallery, New Bedford, MA
Red Star Studios, Kansas City, MO
“Aysha Peltz and Todd Wahlstrom Recent Ceramics”
MT Burton Gallery, Surf City, NJ
“Worcester Center for the Crafts Pottery Show and Sale”
Worcester, MA
“Aysha Peltz Recent Ceramics”
Young and Constantin Gallery, Wilmington, VT
“Annual Holiday Show”
The Clay Studio, Philadelphia, PA
Peck Gallery, Providence, RI
“Yankee Clay”
Slater Mills Memorial Museum, Norwich, CT
“New Talent:/ New Work”
The Clay Studio
“Peltz/ Timock”
Derek Porter Studio, Kansas City, MO
“For The Table”
Santa Fe Clay, Santa Fe, NM
Baltimore Clayworks, Baltimore, MD
Winthrope University, Rock Hill, SC
“Reunion: Wayne Higby and Graduates of
the Alfred University Ceramics Program”
The Clay Studio
“25 Select 25”
Gallery 1021, Lill Street Art Center, Chicago, IL
Studio Days 2000
Chester Springs Studio, Chester Springs, PA
Utilitarian Clay III: Celebrate the Object Exhibition
Arrowmont School of Arts and Crafts, Gatlinburg, TN
M.F.A. Thesis Exhibition
Fosdick-Nelson Gallery, Alfred, NY
Karon Doherty Memorial Invitational
Spark Gallery, Denver, Colorado
Whiteware Research Center’s Annual Fall Meeting
Susan Howell Hall, Alfred University, Alfred, NY
First Year Graduate Exhibition
Robert Turner Gallery, Alfred University, Alfred, NY
Faculty Show
Worcester Center for the Crafts, Worcester, MA
First Year Graduate Exhibition
Gallery 244, New Bedford, MA
Assistant exhibition
Arrowmont school of Arts and Crafts, Gatlinburg, TN
Summer Assistant Exhibit,
Arrowmont School of Arts and Crafts, Gatlinburg, TN
Summer Assistant Exhibition
Haystack Mountain School of Crafts, Deer Isle, ME
Senior show Harder Hall
Alfred University, Alfred, NY
Junior Show Fosdick Nelson Gallery
Alfred University, Alfred, NY